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Are You Interested In The Digital Marketing Scholarship For Nigerian Mothers?


AT LAST: Learn How You Can Position Your Business As The No 1 Solution In Your Customers Mind Using "The Bait Hook Positioning Strategy" Which You Can Implement In Just 4 Live Classes.

This Would Allow You Increase The Prices Of Your Products And Services So You Can Maximize Profit Even If You Make Fewer Sales.
This Allows You Reduce The Stress Of Over-Working.

What this means is you can focus on collecting more money from customers who understand the value your business provides to them...


So you would no longer need to worry about handling customers who like pricing your products or services without taking into consideration the increase in cost of doing business in Nigeria.

This is because you would have learned a new skill that would help you launch any new business and be profitable...

Now you can picture yourself living a "new life" FREE from overdemanding clients who pay little because this system ATTRACTS only quality clients.




Dear mother,

There are 3 questions in your mind right now which I would answer:

  • 1) Why is our college giving out scholarships to mothers?

  • 2) How is this training different from other digital marketing trainings?

  • 3) Is it easy for you to implement the training to your business?


Something terrible happened last month! 😭

A mother like you said this...


"My son MUST NOT hear this. The tuition meant for my son to attend Adesina Skill-up Initiative has disappeared!


They promised me my money would double in 5 days. I put the money in last week Thursday thinking I would pay for his training today and use the balance for house shopping.

This morning I realized the money is missing. We were 35 in the telegram group and we have all lost our money.

Please discourage my son from joining this program so he can follow me back home."

A very sad story that shows you MUST RUN from "any shortcut" promised to you by anybody. 

There is no need for you jumping from one promise to another!

There is no need for you jumping from one business opportunity to another!

You have heard things like...


"Let me show you how to use just your smart phone to make over 300k weekly"

"There is this new business you can do and quit your 9-5 job that would make you 200k weekly with just your smart phone"

"Bring one person and another person so that we can make money. The more persons you bring the more money you make"


Why Do People Fall For These Things?

There are many more "BOLD promises" that you have heard.



As a school with over 700 students and over 1000 parents... 


We have heard far worse ways parents and students have been swindled out of their hard earned money.


You see...

There are millionaires selling water and there are those struggling to sell water.


There are millionaires selling Real Estate and there are struggling agents. 

There are millionaire school teachers and there are struggling teachers.

The Point Is You Can Succeed In Your Current Business With The Right Information Which This Scholarship Offers You as a mother.


So would you like to apply for our scholarship?

Keep reading to find out how you can apply!

So How Is This Training Different From Other Digital Marketing Trainings?

First of...


We DON'T CARE about theory!

Neither should you!

Do you really have time to watch:

  • 12 different course videos

  • A total of 30 hours training

  • With written resources over 100 pages long...

added to your  busy daily schedule of work, family and children?


That's why we have crashed our training into just 4 PRACTICAL RESULT ORIENTED live classes  which you can plug and play into your business after the very first class.

At the end of class 1 you would be able to:

  • Turn your product into an in-demand product people are ready to buy

  • Find ads your competitors are running that are successful

  • Understand why those ads are successful so you can...

  • Model your ads after their successful ads and be profitable and finally...

  • Understand why your products are not selling fast so you can fix it.

Don't forget we still have 3 other live classes to teach you MORE than what most paid courses contain.

So imagine if you could...

  • Position your business to attract international buyers without running advertisement. Meaning you are not dealing with frustrated Nigerians and you are maximizing your profit.

  • Position your business that you are the no 1 person in your customers mind. Meaning there is no longer competition between you and other business owners for the same customers.

  • Spy on your competition's advert and website to see what they are selling and how long they have been selling for. What this means is you no longer have to waste money on ads that don't work because you have secretly seen what your competition is doing correctly for months. Because no business owner would spend money on advertisement for 30 days straight if they are not making profit.

  • Start a business today, run your first ads and make 6 figures in less than 24hrs.

  • Close deals with first time customers on the internet worth millions of Naira.

These might sound too good to be true. I get it.


BUT they are NOT PROMISES. They are skills you can learn in just 4 live classes.

It Took Just 2 Live Classes To Teach Teenagers Under 18 These Skills

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Me teaching teenagers below ages 18 how they can apply these skills to get high paying clients for their TECH skills.

Surely you can do it too if teenagers can do it!

Meet Your Instructor

My name is Yemi Walz and I would be your teacher in the live classes.

And for the VERY FIRST TIME I would be sharing with people on the internet (mothers like you get first access before others) how my "Bait Hook Positioning Strategy" is the only skill you need to GET endless amount of customers for your business even if you DO NOT have A HUGE MARKETING budget.

Results You Can Expect Using "Bait Hook Positioning Strategy?"

These are some humble results I have gotten which you too can achieve when you apply this new skill to your business:


Imagine growing a business from 7k per day to 354k per day???

That is over 50x business growth.

All I did was apply the principles of this new skill. It allowed me increase the price from 7k to 18k per product and this increased the number of customers for the business owner.

The business sales record before applying my principles:

7000 x 50 = 350,000

It took selling over 50 products before making over 350k

The business sales record after applying my principles:

18,000 x 20 = 354,000

Only 20 products needed to be sold to generate 354k per day

This means more profit with less products in shorter time.


Imagine the results your business would get after day ONE of applying these same principles I would teach you...


Below is the product I sold:

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My sales strategy brought in more money than any other marketer the company had worked with in the past.


I will breakdown the salespage/website and all the ads I used for this product on DAY TWO live class 

And I am an Architect by Training but I have gotten huge marketing results in less than 1 year

For my Architecture business, I have generated over 1,000,000 Naira profit in just 1 month alone using "Bait Hook Positioning Strategy" with just 137 YouTube Subscribers compared to my 110k/month salary while employed.

With my small followers online, I have gotten multiple clients from UK and USA. I will show you how you can do this also within just 4 classes.

All that matters is how you use "Bait Hook Positioning Strategy"


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I was offered £1500 in March 2023 to teach these same skill to international clients. That is 1.7 Million Naira per person...

AND you are about to learn this same skill via Adesina Skill-Up Initiative SCHOLARSHIP.

Remember I started out as just an Architect? Now I run multiple businesses using this same skill.

You Too Can Use This Skill For Your Business No Matter The Industry!

I was invited by a Canadian millionaire to speak to her international business clients in August 2023 about business and marketing. She also works for Mercedes and luxury fashion brands

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InkedWhatsApp Image 2023-08-27 at 9.45.07 PM.jpg

That's another proof that what I teach would ATTRACT quality clients to your business whether you sell products or services.

You would go from looking for clients to having multiple high paying clients/customers.


Audio Testimonial from Amaka

Audio Testimonial from Agatha


Here's All What You'll Gain From The 4 Day Live Training Scholarship If You Apply Today

Most Important Skill: The Bait Hook Positioning Strategy

Don't you HATE it when customers are trying to get your product for cheap when you know your product is BETTER than what majority of people sell?


You have taken time out to be the best version of yourself so you could make more money BUT sales are NOT as high as you desire?



Here is the ACTUAL problem:

You think you are selling to the right people interested in your product BUT you're NOT. A HIGH price is NOT the reason they DON'T buy!

I know this because I helped a business grow from 7000 Naira a day in sales to 354,000 Naira a day. I DID NOT REDUCE the price or do giveaway.

I 3x the price of the product AND found who the product was MOST USEFUL to using "The Bait Hook Positioning Strategy" This skyrocketed the sales and COMPLETELY REPELLED the annoying customers who always want cheap prices or discounts.

You too can LEARN how to use this skill to grow your business or LAUNCH any new business and be profitable within just 4 days of live classes.


Without this skill, you can have the best product or services and still struggle to make sales because your system of getting customers keeps ATTRACTING the wrong sets of buyers.


I have TESTED this strategy SUCCESSFULLY in 4 different industries.

And it works every time!

I got offered £1500 per person in March 2023 to coach business owners in Istanbul how to use this exact skill to grow their business.


How did I get this opportunity?

By using this same skill I would be teaching you should you QUALIFY for the scholarship.

You are worth what people are willing to pay you! 


So clearly this skill can be VALUED as high as £1500 OR 1.7million Naira BUT you WON'T  be paying that.

Sounds good right? Well... there's a downside of learning this skill:

You will face 2 problems after learning this skill:

  1. Your products will quickly run out of stock. This happened to the small business I scaled from 7000/day to 354,000/day. We had to stop running the ads for them to manufacture more products. This is a GREAT problem to have. Don't you think?

  2. People would start copying what you're doing. And this can lead to saturation. You see most people are NOT innovative. They are looking for the next thing that is working so they can jump on it AND that is why I have a cool bonus that would help you solve this problem so that you are always ONE STEP ahead of any competition trying to copy you.


How To Create Irresitible Offers (VALUE 25,000)

This information is needed because it is NOT a question of "if" BUT a question of "when" people start copying your successful business system after implementing "The Bait Hook Positioning Strategy"... 


You need to come up with creative ways to present your product or service as the best choice available in the market to customers.

Here's a quick example:

  1. Buy a plate of ofada rice for 1500 and pay 2500 for delivery OR

  2. Buy a plate of ofada rice for 5000. Free delivery if you order before 2pm. It also comes with extra 2 packs of Asun and 2 ice chilled zobo to energize you. Delivery is 1500 after 2pm. Hurry and place your order.

Which option would you pick?

Option 2 right!

Even though it is more expensive. You also want to hurry to place the order so you DON'T miss the extra Asun and so you DON'T pay for delivery after 2pm. So you act with a sense of urgency.

An offer is NOT what you sell BUT how you present what you sell to a customer.


On day 3 of the live class, I would show you how to come up with irresistible offers in under 5 minutes so you can make more sales even if you are in a very competitive market.


Spy On Winning Facebook Ads (VALUE 50,000)

Businesses can fail in the long run without this information.

Here's why: 

  • Your offer is NOT special if every other business is giving out the same offer. Have you heard multiple adverts that say "learn how to use your smartphone to start making 300k weekly" 

This type of offer is now very weak because every person trying to sell courses on how to make money just keeps using it forgetting that it's the same internet we are all using and we can see they are all selling the same thing.

To avoid creating offers that are similar to what your competition is offering...

There is a way to spy on:

  • what Facebook ads are working

  • how long have they been running

  • how their website is structured

  • what their customers are saying

By the time you understand how to do this...

You can create better offers than your competition and get their customers to buy from you.

I would show you how to do this live on day 3 of the training in just 4 clicks


How To Create A Highly Profitable Website (VALUE 45,000)

  • Facebook can suspend your personal account

  • Facebook can also ban your ad account

  • Your Instagram can be hacked

  • YouTube and Google can block your account without reason

All these DON'T sound good and 2 have happened to me. BUT I found a way to solve the problem.

What if I couldn't solve the problem? I wouldn't have been able to run ads for you to see this website BUT...

You know what CAN'T  be blocked or suspended?


Your website is your personal asset and nothing can happen to it. That is why every serious business owner must have a website where they can sell their products and services.

Not only would I show you how to build a website...

I will show you:

  • how to structure your website so it's easy for people to buy from you

  • how to turn visitor's into buyers. That's the hardest thing to do! When you know how to do it, you would be unstoppable in sales.

  • which software is the easiest and fastest to use so you save time even if you are a complete beginner.


Create Over 30 Social Media Content Ideas Under 20 Seconds Using AI (VALUE 40,000)

Why is this important?

If you DON'T have a HUGE marketing budget...

Content creation is your best option.


It's a POWERFUL option because you can reach, hundreds, thousands, even millions of people with the right type of content.

My mentor sold over $300,000.00 worth of digital products in just 6 months without spending $1 on advertisement.

I have used content creation to make millions of Naira from the internet for my Architecture business with a following of just 137 YouTube subscribers.

As Architects, we are NOT allowed to run ads so I had to learn how to use content to draw ATTENTION to me and get customers that would pay highly for my services.

I would show you how to use AI to create tons of relatable content for your audience even if you have small social media followers just like I did for myself. Get prepared to learn this on day 4 of the training.





You must have the following to get maximum training results:

  • A laptop. If you do not have a laptop, one would be provided to you at our training centre.

  • Your personal internet access.

  • You must be at the beginners level in digital marketing. This means you currently DO NOT have an active sales website.

  • You must be ready to learn how to build your own sales website during the training

  • Standard business websites cost $38/month but with our partnership with a website builder you can get your full business website at $38 for 365 days unlimited access. That is just 104 Naira per day to own your website.

  • Because a website is necessary for online success that is why Adesina College has decided to grant this scholarship so you can use your money to create a website with our training instead of paying high price for training and high price for a website. 

  • A virtual dollar card. If you DON'T have one, you would be guided on how to open one at the training. This is what you need to make payment for your website.

  • Be ready to ask questions in class for increased performance.


All you need to know before registering for the training:

  • Registration ends 4pm Friday October 6 2023

  • Training is for 2hrs every Saturday

  • Training starts Saturday October 7 2023

  • Training is every Saturday in October i.e 4 training days

  • Training ends Saturday October 28 2023

  • Location of Training: Charity Road New Oko Oba Abule Egba Lagos State. Opposite Dominos Pizza

  • Laptops would be provided for each attendant. This would be a great opportunity for you if you do not have a personal laptop to use.

  • Slots limited to 10 persons for better class management and limited physical space.

  • 3 separate time slots for training: (9am-11am) (11:30am-1:30pm) (2pm-4pm). Choose your time slot during registration.

  • Once any time slot is complete with 10 persons, that slot automatically becomes unavailable. You would have to choose other available options.

  • Every class is recorded and would be given to you so you can watch over and over for better understanding.

Price Info

Here's how you can register for the physical training and secure your slot at your preferred training time today:
3500 Naira
(Registration closes by 4pm Friday 6/10/2023)

Please follow the steps below to register properly:


Click on the big yellow button below with your choice of training time

(If you don't see your preferred time slot again, then that time slot has been filled with TEN persons and you would have to select a next preferred alternative) Hurry! 


It will take you to Adesina Skill-Up Initiative WhatsApp chat with an automatic message saying 

"Hello, I am interested in securing a slot for the physical training"


Adesina Skill-Up Initiative company account detail would be sent to you to make a payment of  3500 Naira to secure your slot.


We would send you a message acknowledging your successful payment.


You would be asked if you want to use the company's laptop or if you would be coming with your own laptop for the training.


You would be fully registered with an ID and company laptop detail


Prepare for the first class on Saturday the 7th of October.

Here's how you can register for the virtual training and secure your slot at your preferred training time today:
2000 Naira
(Registration closes by 4pm Friday 6/10/2023)

If you are not based in Lagos or you cannot make it physically to our training centre then you can register for the virtual option.

The training would be via a live zoom call so you won't miss out. You can also ask questions and you would be attended to.

Also we cannot accommodate more than TEN persons within our training centre at the moment due to limited space.


So if the physical training slots of your preferred time slot has been taken, you can register for the virtual class.

The virtual class is also limited to TEN persons so it is easier to give everyone my needed attention for better understanding.


Click on the big yellow button below with your choice of training time

(If you don't see your preferred time slot again, then that time slot has been filled with TEN persons and you would have to select a next preferred alternative) Hurry! 


It will take you to Adesina Skill-Up Initiative WhatsApp chat with an automatic message saying 

"Hello, I am interested in securing a slot for the virtual training"


Adesina Skill-Up Initiative company account detail would be sent to you to make a payment of  2000 Naira to secure your slot.


We would send you a message acknowledging your successful payment.


You would be fully registered with an ID and the zoom class passcode would be sent to you.


Prepare for the first class on Saturday the 7th of October.

Let me answer some important questions on your mind...

Is there a money back guarantee

Sure there is a money back guarantee. If you attend the first class and you feel I have under delivered, you can request for a full refund. But I guarantee I always over deliver just like Amaka and Agatha confirmed in the testimonial above.

Are all the bonus prices false numbers?

Unfortunately they are real numbers. I have spent over 500,000 Naira in the search for information that has grown all my 4 different businesses. So you are truly getting the most valuable digital marketing product on the internet right now.

Can I take the laptop assigned to me in class home?

Unfortunately you cannot take any of the company's property home. We use these resources to teach every member signed up to any of our trainings.

Would this training work for E-commerce products?

Absolutely yes! I used the exact information in this training to scale a physical product business from 7000 Naira a day to 354,000 Naira a day. All you have to do is practice the trainings I give to you.

Would this training work for Information products?

There is no difference. At all.

The skill I am teaching can be applied to any type of business. YES. Even if you have not sold anything online before. The same human beings that buy physical products also seek knowledge in different forms.

Who is this training for?


This training is for complete beginner. Yes! If you have never run a successful business online, this training is for you. We want to help as many Nigerians, starting with mothers get a solid footing in the marketing industry. When mothers succeed, every other person within a family succeeds.


If you have struggled in the past to run a successful business online and you need a credible teacher to guide you, this training is for you.

Would this training only be in Lagos?

Our last program was held in Lagos. we have decided to hold this training in Lagos this time around. If you want a physical training in your city, you can sign up for the virtual training and make your request for the next training so we put it into consideration.


How would we make payment?


Through bank transfer to the Company's account. No other form of payment is accepted.

What would happen if I miss this training?

  • The first thing is that this is the lowest price this training would ever be due to the scholarship. So you won't have the opportunity to pay this low EVER AGAIN.

  • The next training would be in November. I do not know the date now. So you would delay your access to information that can change your life forever.

  • Also the price would increase to 7500 for physical training in November.

  • November is the last time this training would hold this year

  • Next year's training would be in January and the price goes up to ₦47,500

So if you are ready to get consistent numbers of high paying clients with few clicks on the internet so you can grow your business...



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